Each year, the North Carolina Bandmasters Eastern District has the opportunity to recognize the accomplishments of a few of its members by presenting them with various awards, such as the Award of Excellence.
Award of Excellence Criteria Directors presented with the Eastern District Award of Excellence have been recognized by their fellow colleagues, according to the following criteria:
The director should be an active or recently retired member in good standing with the Eastern District.
The director’s band program should be one of excellence, providing students with many and varied performance opportunities offered at the district and state level. The band program should have a consistent pattern of excellence spanning several years and reflecting the size of the school and the resources available. The director must have taught in the Eastern District for at least three years.
The director shows a consistent pattern of service to the Eastern district as an officer, board member, committee member, chairman of an event. etc.
NCBA Eastern District Award of Excellence Honorees
Chris Whitehurst - 2023
Rod Reed - 2022
Mark Stauffer - 2021
Ashley Wright - 2020
Kim Barclift - 2019
Keith Green - 2018
Leo Nieves - 2017
Lynn Dale - 2016
Andy Wright - 2015
Jason Barclift - 2014
David Stroud - 2013
Amy Sandlin - 2012
Mike Lopez - 2011
Brad Langhans - 2010
Jorge Benitez - 2009
Allen Pettit - 2008
Steve Morgan - 2007
Erik Harris - 2006
Perry Ditch - 2005
Hosea Brower - 2004
Mike Pollard - 2003
Deborah Phillips - 2002
James Fleming - 2001
Debbie Davis - 2000
Jeff Murphy - 1999
Dee Dee Phillips - 1998
Craig Everett -1997
Mike Fussell - 1996
Richard Purvis - 1995
Bob Hood - 1994
Mary Bryant - 1993
Bill Frazier - 1992
NCBA Eastern District National Board Certified Teachers "National Board Certification is an advanced teaching credential that complements, but does not replace, a state’s teacher license. National Board Certification is achieved upon successful completion of a voluntary assessment program designed to recognize effective and accomplished teachers who meet high standards based on what teachers should know and be able to do." (http://www.nbpts.org) The following band directors of the Eastern District have received their National Board Certification: